1. Inflapro is the calculation for method of inflation protected return on Investment
  2. It provides periodical payout on FD or pension on a Principal amount at increased value to the extent of inflation protection compared to the previous year same period
  3. For example if the principal is Rs. 100000 and interest rate is 8% pa compounded annually then in a conventional method one gets equal amount of rs. 8000 per year. In inflapro method depending on inflation protection level and other parameters one may get around 5000 in first year 5500 in second year and so on
  4. This site provides a chart of dozen schemes equivalent to one type of conventional method of pay out.
  5. There is another site wherein for each of dozen options other custom parameters one can use the provided calculator and workout detailed statements with audit proof calculatations with brought forward and carry over figures and the periodical interest posting and payouts


  1. Inflapro calculation is precisely for finding the starting payment/repayment/pension etc as the case may be.
    • The remaining part of the calculations are derivates and can be achieved with simple calculatot or Spread sheet in computer.
    • This part of finding out the starting payout is done in little secured code of Php which is activated by an Ajax procedure.
    • Plenty of calculations are provided without login requirement and some samples for default parameters are automatically filling up login particulars wherever it is required in custom menu.
    • These pages are tutorials for understanding what is inflapro, therfore no login is required to fill up the custom menu in these pages especially page 3, 4 and 5
    • The minimum input parameters are principal, term in years, rate of interest, rate of inflation protection.
    • Other parameters are moratorium period in years, return of principal at end of term (yes/no), if yes the corresponding further payout as percentage of last payout. Type of loan, such as Education loan (yes/no), Immediate payout option.(yes/no). These are already discussed in page 3.html and page 4.html.
    The site with Inflapro, also giving a project report was developed as early as 2010 and being modified from time to time. This site was started in the year 2013 and updated from time to time, whereever possible.
  2. Technical: Yet these sites contain a few depreciated and even deleted items of the browsers, javascript, php(nil deltion only updation), Mysql database and JQuery(nil but updation). This problem of updation is being done regularly, yet there are some technical issues with a procedure called ajax for concurrent processing, while the pages are loaded and made ready. So one requres to click the same unprocessed submissions again for the second time in google chrome, whereas this software in both sites work excellently in Firefox, since 2010 itself. Where as Google chrome versions after 2018 is working satisfactorily. In printing pages, there was a problem in google chrome in starting in fresh page, which is fixed by google chrome in 2018 and now both firfox and google chrome gives identical performance.
  3. Banking procudues use quarterly compounding of interest (for education loan and other normal loans), but for whereever EMI is involved in which case it is monthly compounding for deriving out EMI. In my software Education loan requires quarterly rate as per annum and in other custom menus one has to caluculate interest as per the given frequency, monthly/quarterly/ half yearly or annual. In FD applicatin at bnv.bvraghav calculation, even weekly frequency is added up. Education loan of 10.5% quarterly works out to 10.92072% Therefore, in education loan cuatom menu one has to enter 10.5 as the rate of interest, and in other custom menu if frequency is selected annual 10.92072% has to be entered to get identical reaults.
  4. In the site, bnv.bvraghav dot com provisions are there for loan, pension, FD and RD. The FD calculations require starting calendar date, and calculations are done for proper quarterly ending periods.
  5. The site bnvenkat dot com gives applications based on the principle of loan, pension, preference share, MF, insurance commission, Insureance, Insurance commission, compensation for Farm land acquisition applications. All cusom menus require login with email id but for sample calculations at a click.


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