Age at entry: 30 years
SBI SMARTLIFE PPT 10/policy 15 years 105% of premium paid as maturity
Premium 1,20,000 pa
Sum Assured: 13,42,000
Maturity Benefit: 22,62,869 @8% profit
IRR on maturity |  IRR @death @8th year policy |  nth(max 15)
IRR @death @6th year policy
Age at entry: 23 years
LIC Moneyback PPT 20/policy 20 years premium paid half yearly
Premium 7934 Halfyearly
Sum Assured: 2,50,000
Bonus/LA: Rs 40 per 1000 profit over 15 years, money back @5,10,15 @Rs.50000,on matu. 100000
IRR on maturity |  IRR @death @8th year policy |  nth(max 20)
IRR @death @6th year policy
Age at entry: 26 years
LIC JeevanAnand PPT 30/policy 74 years premium paid half yearly
Premium 4984 Halfyearly
Sum Assured: 3,00,000
Bonus/Final Bonus: etc @Rs.7,71,000, plus AS on matu. 10,71,000 plus life cover Rs. 300000 IRR on maturity | 

Age 26,ppt 20, prem 16258(yrly), Matu benefit(bonus+FBA+lifecover) 8,91,000 -- IRR on maturity

Age 26,ppaidt 12, prem 9812(yrly), Death benefit(bonus+FBA) 4,60,000 -- IRR on death

Age 26,ppaidt 20, prem 9812(yrly), Matu benefit(bonus+FBA+lifecover) 8,91,000 -- IRR on death
Age at entry: 30 years
LIC Jeevan Lakshaya Age 30, SA 1 Lakh, ppt 22 years, Term (22+3)=25 yrs

premium 4366 annual, income benefit 10000 pa, lumpsum 110000, Reve.bonus 80000 (tot matu benef)190000
death benefit 200000
IRR on maturity | 

Age 30,ppaidt 12, Death benefit(paidup bonus) 200000 -- IRR on death@age 42
IRR @death @8th year policy |  nth(max 25)
IRR @death @6th year policy
Age at entry: 50 years
LIC Jeevan Shanti(wef Feb'23) Age 50, deferment 12 years, Term (12-38)=50 yrs upto age 100
premium 1000000 singleprem, Annuity 143200 pa, Death benefit 1050000
IRR on maturity | 

Age 50,Total Death benefit(all incl) 1256704 -- IRR on death@age 52
Age 50,Total Death benefit(all incl) 1641760 -- IRR on death@age 55
Age 50,Total Death benefit(all incl) 2540224 -- IRR on death@age 62
Age 50,Total Death benefit(all incl) 1824224 -- IRR on death@age 67
IRR @death @10th year policy |  nth(max 50)
Age at entry: 30 years (Guaranteed INCOME option)
HDFC SANCHAY PLUS Age 30, Matu 12.50 Lakh, ppt 12 years, Term (12+1)=13 yrs, Payout period 30 yrs
premium 100000 annual,
death benefit 12.50 L
IRR on maturity | 

Age 30,ppaidt 12, Death Sum Assured 1250000 IRR on death@age 42
IRR @death @8th year policy |  nth(max 43)
Age at entry: 35 years
Kotak SMARTLIFE Age 35, SA 10 Lakh, ppt 12 years, Term (12+28)=40 yrs
Maturity inclusive of all Bonus/Terminal Bonus: etc @Rs.69,18,218 IRR on maturity | 

Age 35,ppaidt 12, Death benefit(paidup bonus) 1029047 -- IRR on death@age 50
Age at entry: 35 years
ICICI PRU GIFT SCHEME Age 35, SA 10 Lakh, ppt 10 years, Early.income 10years@25000 Term (10)=10 yrs
Income after ppt+wait(1 yr) on survival Rs.132128 for 10 years. IRR on maturity | 
nth(max 20)
Age 35,ppaidt 5, Death benefit() 1000000 -- IRR on death@age 40