TABLE OF RUN BALANCE (AUDIT TABLE)- LIC (vii) - inflapro:(1)

Principal:423015.00   Rate of Intt:7.72801    Compounding mode:Yearly compounded
Option (vii) Annuity for life with a provision of 100% of the annuity payable to spouse during his/ her life time on death of annuitant. The purchase price will be returned on the death of last survivor. No.of Years=25

Option 1 - Conventional-the pension starts at first year and continues with the static pension for the entire period of term
Having maturity value

Term: 25 years      Moratorium=NIL

Year B/F Payout Interest C/O/Balance NAV(FV:10)
year 1(1)/AGE 60 4,23,015.00 29,949.87 30,376.11 4,23,441.24 10.0100
year 2(1)/AGE 61 4,23,441.24 29,949.87 30,409.05 4,23,900.42 10.0209
year 3(1)/AGE 62 4,23,900.42 29,949.87 30,444.54 4,24,395.09 10.0326
year 4(1)/AGE 63 4,24,395.09 29,949.87 30,482.77 4,24,927.99 10.0452
year 5(1)/AGE 64 4,24,927.99 29,949.87 30,523.95 4,25,502.07 10.0587
year 6(1)/AGE 65 4,25,502.07 29,949.87 30,568.31 4,26,120.51 10.0734
year 7(1)/AGE 66 4,26,120.51 29,949.87 30,616.11 4,26,786.75 10.0891
year 8(1)/AGE 67 4,26,786.75 29,949.87 30,667.59 4,27,504.47 10.1061
year 9(1)/AGE 68 4,27,504.47 29,949.87 30,723.06 4,28,277.66 10.1244
year 10(1)/AGE 69 4,28,277.66 29,949.87 30,782.81 4,29,110.60 10.1440
year 11(1)/AGE 70 4,29,110.60 29,949.87 30,847.18 4,30,007.91 10.1653
year 12(1)/AGE 71 4,30,007.91 29,949.87 30,916.53 4,30,974.57 10.1881
year 13(1)/AGE 72 4,30,974.57 29,949.87 30,991.23 4,32,015.93 10.2127
year 14(1)/AGE 73 4,32,015.93 29,949.87 31,071.71 4,33,137.77 10.2393
year 15(1)/AGE 74 4,33,137.77 29,949.87 31,158.40 4,34,346.30 10.2678
year 16(1)/AGE 75 4,34,346.30 29,949.87 31,251.80 4,35,648.23 10.2986
year 17(1)/AGE 76 4,35,648.23 29,949.87 31,352.41 4,37,050.77 10.3318
year 18(1)/AGE 77 4,37,050.77 29,949.87 31,460.80 4,38,561.70 10.3675
year 19(1)/AGE 78 4,38,561.70 29,949.87 31,577.56 4,40,189.39 10.4059
year 20(1)/AGE 79 4,40,189.39 29,949.87 31,703.35 4,41,942.87 10.4474
year 21(1)/AGE 80 4,41,942.87 29,949.87 31,838.86 4,43,831.86 10.4921
year 22(1)/AGE 81 4,43,831.86 29,949.87 31,984.84 4,45,866.83 10.5402
year 23(1)/AGE 82 4,45,866.83 29,949.87 32,142.10 4,48,059.06 10.5920
year 24(1)/AGE 83 4,48,059.06 29,949.87 32,311.52 4,50,420.71 10.6478
year 25(1)/AGE 84 4,50,420.71 29,949.87 32,494.03 4,52,964.87 10.7080
Adjustment 0.00 10.0000
Further pension(on survival) 29,949.87
Surrender val(on death) 4,23,015.00

MoratoriumNil years
Yield7.08% pa
start-Amt(after Moratorium)Rs.29,949.87
(start-amt per lac after Moratorium): (Rs.7,080.09 )
(conventional immediate payout per lac): (Rs.7,010.00 Yearly compounded )


Option 1 - Conventional-the pension starts at first year at Rs.29,949.87 Yearly compounded and continues with the static pension for the entire period for life with a provision of of the conventional annuity payable to spouse during his/ her life time on death of annuitant. with return of purchase price on the death of last survivor