The restructuring is classified into
Simple restructuring of Loan and
Advancd form of restructuring.
The Simple form is mentioned first in the following pages the advanced form is
explained in later pages.
- The principal (loan amount) is considered as ₹
- The total term for restructuring is considered as years or months.
- The interest rate is not changed The rate considered is %
- Moratorium period is consided to be for months.
- The interest is applied at the prescribed rate but no payment of interest or towards principal during this moratorium period.
- Ater the moratorium period the Amount due would be not ₹ but will be ₹
- During Covid restructuing term only interest be paid keeping the EMI pending and loan amt is fully due.
- Further Term after moratorium considerd is months.
During this period the only interest amount @ % , the interest works out to
₹ every month.
- During this period it is suggested that only interest is paid at the rate of months.
- After this term EMI to be reworked on this due amount.
term such as 10 years or 15 years or 20 years. as the case may be.
- for further years means the with EMI @₹
per lac applied on above due amt works out to ₹